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Photo by Anthony Karcz Image editing is one of those things that, unless you do it for a living, can be a major pain. Someone asks you to resize, or crop or black out part of an image and your eyes go glassy as you futilely sift through your Applications folder trying to find something that works. You figure you need Photoshop; because that’s what that program is for right? But then you find out there’s a whole subscription plan and about a million different types of Photoshop apps and your eyes go glassy again. Eventually, you end up with a free online tool that may or may not have an easy learning curve; but that you still have go through the bother of uploading your pictures, fending off come-ons for paid versions, yada-yada-yada.

What you want to do is double-click your image, have it come up in a native program on your Mac, edit it and be done. Luckily, you can do just that. The unassumingly-named Preview is the Mac OS X catch-all for graphics-based files.

When you double-click a PDF or image, this is where they end up (pro-tip, you can do minor editing of PDFs in Preview as well!). But Preview is more than just a file viewer, it has a set of tools that allow you to do photo editing, without ever leaving the comfort of your Mac. Photo by Anthony Karcz There are other tools as well. Adjust Color is great if you know how to manually tweak color levels.

There’s no Auto Adjust feature here; but luckily there’s also a Reset All button. The Annotate submenu has a whole host of options available if you want to add shapes, magnify, or mask part of an image. Adjust Alpha (the little magic wand that’s only available on the toolbar) lets you automatically select background elements to delete.

Oh, and one last trick. If you select a portion of an image, then Copy it, you can Paste it anywhere in your image. Helpful if you want to do some basic covering up of a portion of an image. Say, if you wanted to get rid of a cabana in a sunset pic.

I’m a personal branding pioneer, motivational speaker, founder of Reach Personal Branding and cofounder of CareerBlast.TV. I'm also the bestselling author of the definitive books on executive branding: Ditch.Dare. Rod ellis second language acquisition. And Career Distinction. I'm passionate about how personal branding can inspire career-minded professionals to become indispensable, influential and incredibly happy at work—and I teach my clients (major global brands and 20% of the Fortune 100) to increase their success by infusing personal branding into their cultures. Here's a fun fact: I have the distinct privilege of having delivered more personal branding keynotes to more people, in more countries, than anyone on earth.

The author is a Forbes contributor. The opinions expressed are those of the writer. The transformation has started. LinkedIn has begun rolling out a feature that allows you to upload a customized background for your profile. A few months ago, LinkedIn provided this functionality to Premium members, and it’s now being made available to freebie members.

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It will roll out over time, so if you haven’t been notified, be patient; you will. This is the single biggest opportunity to make your profile stand out visually. Combined with the feature that lets you integrate multi-media into your LinkedIn Summary and Experience sections, plus the ability to convert your profile into your personal blogging platform, you have everything you need to make LinkedIn your personal website and media arm.

Over the past few years, LinkedIn has been working hard to make your profile your digital personal branding platform. The new background technique is an important milestone in a customization strategy that makes you shine in a community of over 300 million users. Once you have access to this feature, you’ll be able to create a design that will bolster your brand and differentiate your profile. The high-end approach is to work with a graphic designer to create a custom 1400×425 pixel image that reflects your brand. But you can avoid this expense, thanks to great new Internet tools and offerings. Here are five of my favorites (including one that I created): 1.

PicMonkey provides easy-to-use, creative tools for photo editing and graphic design. The allows you to upload and organize several images to create an eye-catching design for your background. Choose the option called Biggie Smalls, which helps you make a big impact with a small assortment of images. Set the dimensions to 1400×425 pixels. Then choose the images that will best represent your brand. To capture my role as a presenter and coach, I of me speaking at events.