Hitachi Starboard Fx 77 Drivers

Toggle SmartWriter on or off, or use auto mode to automatically switch to handwriting recognition mode when a text input field is selected. Touch a StarBoard button to summon special interactive functions, accessible through icons and cascading menus. Be the first to review this item.

Send play, rewind, forward and slow motion commands directly from the StarBoard control palette. It is better for your eyes, but dry erase marker use isn’t recommended. Electronic-free surface for durability. Background Images StarBoard provides a large library of useful backgrounds including blank colored screens, graph papers, sports fields, and music sheets that are perfect for sketching on. Uploader: Date Added: 16 January 2014 File Size: 13.68 Mb Operating Systems: Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/2003/7/8/10 MacOS 10/X Downloads: 79968 Price: Free* [ *Free Regsitration Required] You can even capture partial window or full screen shots from either the Starboard’s Object Management screen or Windows. Even run multiple StarBoard sessions using different presentations or Windows applications simultaneously. Web Access Turn your computer into a virtual web server and let associates or students review your presentations, notes, or research.

Flexible Navigation In addition to the usual page-by-page navigation through a presentation, you can choose to access your slides as a seamless scrolling page. Versatile Electronic Pens and Inks The StarBoard includes six different electronic ink hitachi starboard fx-77, including staeboard fill and 3D ink types when you write with the electronic pen.

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On Sale Hitachi F77EWMWL Discontinued Products We take purchase orders. StarBoard FX77 I/F Wireless Interactive White Board Floor Stand not included.

It makes teaching lessons and presentation seminars more interactive. SmartWriter works with any hitachi starboard fx-77 using text input, such as Microsoft Word hitachi starboard fx-77 Excel.


You can even create your own custom toolbar for single-click access to functions. Hitachi Interactive Whiteboard FX-77 GII This benefits you as you can make your lessons more interesting. You hitachi starboard fx-77 tailor the size and shape of the spotlight along with the relative brightness of the background for the exact effect you want. Drag and drop images instantly into StarBoard software. Tight integration with commercial video conferencing systems lets you set up starnoard remote teaching or conferencing sites quickly and easily.

Hitachi Interactive Whiteboard FX GII It starboars to the pen. You can use hitachi starboard fx-77 electronic pen to operate. It remains focused on creating strong and successful products that are recognized worldwide as market leaders.

Proprietary StarBoard software uses an intuitive pen-driven interface that is simple to use. You will need one of the following documents. Download Full List of Specifications. Be the first to review this item. It has many great features. You can even create your own custom toolbar for single-click access to functions. Data and Video Conferencing The StarBoard supports data conferencing with up to 42 users hifachi a local or wide area network including hitachi starboard fx-77 Internet as well as personal videoconferencing.

Touch a StarBoard button to summon special interactive hitachi starboard fx-77, accessible through icons and cascading menus. It looks into the future with a new era of quality, innovation and growth. Hitachi StarBoard FX – interactive whiteboard Overview – CNET The StarBoard Software allows multi-touch interaction between the whiteboard and computer applications. Tight integration with commercial video conferencing systems lets you set up multiple hitachi starboard fx-77 teaching or conferencing sites quickly and easily.